Tsipras continues to deceive the citizens with cynicism and arrogance, ND leader Mitsotakis says

“Returning from abroad late last night I saw [Prime Minister Alexis] Tsipras’ interview on TV Alpha,” said main opposition New Democracy (ND) leader Kyriakos Mitsotakis on Friday, adding: “I felt what most Greeks felt: anger and indignation”.

According to the main opposition leader, Tsipras was still “deceiving and insulting” the citizens and common sense with cynicism and arrogance: “He has learned nothing from the crisis and from his lies, which he dubbed ‘illusions’. He had the audacity to promise thousands of new jobs in the public sector – except that all these jobs will be paid for by the citizens, who have been brought to their knees by high taxes and social insurance contributions.”

Mitsotakis explained that the problem of unemployment cannot be resolved through more hiring to the public sector but through investments and good jobs in the private sector. “But Tsipras is not interested in the country but his own political survival,” he added.

Source: AMNA

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