State Department: “Evidence of Russian Shelling into Ukraine”

“The following images provide evidence that Russian forces have fired across the border at Ukrainian military forces, and that Russia-backed separatists have used heavy artillery, provided by Russia, in attacks on Ukrainian forces from inside Ukraine”, according to an e-mail to the journalists from the State Department.

Multiple Rocket Launcher Strikes within Ukraine (25/26 July) 

This slide shows ground scarring at a multiple rocket launch site on the Russian side of the border oriented in the direction of Ukrainian military units within Ukraine.  The wide area of impacts near the Ukrainian military units indicates fire from multiple rocket launchers.

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Artillery Strikes Within Ukraine slide (23 July 14)

This slide shows self-propelled artillery only found in Russian military units, on the Russian side of the border, oriented in the direction of a Ukrainian military unit within Ukraine.  The pattern of crater impacts near the Ukrainian military unit indicates strikes from artillery fired from self-propelled or towed artillery, vice multiple rocket launchers.


Artillery Strikes within Ukraine slide (23 July 14)

This is a before and after close-up of the artillery strike depicted in the lower portion of the inset in the previous graphic.


Multiple Rocket Launcher Strikes within Ukraine slide (21 July 14)

This slide shows ground scarring at two multiple rocket launch sites oriented in the direction of Ukrainian military units.  The wide area of impacts near the Ukrainian military units indicates fire from multiple rocket launchers.  The bottom impact crater inset shows impacts within a local village.


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