Tsipras and his government prove to be once again below expectations, Dendias says

“Unfortunately, Mr Tsipras and his government prove to be once again below expectations,” main opposition New Democracy (ND) parliamentary spokesman Nikos Dendias said on Satursday in an interview with “Eidiseis” newspaper, commenting on the debt issue.

Dendias estimated that the government and the prime minister have been “trapped in the debt issue,” but also blamed the lenders, “who once again agreed to the measures proposed by the government and which exacerbate the impasse in the real economy, while they have not met their commitment for debt settlement since November 2012.”

Dendias also stressed that the issue of debt “can not be transformed into a government’s alibi for the immediate and imperative needs of the Greek economy” adding that “the best thing the prime minister can do is to resign if he can not handle the current deadlock, which he has basically created.”

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