Pappas criticises Mitsotakis ‘walkout’, questions decision over Novartis witnesses

The president of main opposition SYRIZA-Progressive Alliance’s Parliamentary group, Nikos Pappas, on Friday thanked the other “democratic arc” parties in Parliament for their stance, in response to the departure of Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis from the debate in Parliament’s plenary session when Pappas took the stand on behalf of SYRIZA-PA.

“Mr. Mitsotakis behaved like a spoilt child. He was disrespectful toward the institutions, cowardly because he did not stay and face us and he appeared guilty. Guilty, not so much for what he orchestrated against myself and our party but because he has been unfailingly implementing the law that led to the licensing of television stations since 2019, a law that was passed by us,” Pappas said, talking to ANT1 about Mitsotakis decision to walk out as Pappas took the stand to speak on Wednesday.
Concerning the decision to rescind the protected status of the two witnesses in the Novartis case, Pappas stressed that the Novartis scandal “exists and has been confessed to. How can someone dispute this when the company has itself confessed to it. Here we had a choice that ‘kills’ the institution of protected witnesses, an institution that was strengthened in Greece with the law of 2014, for which there was a European directive for witnesses of public interest in 2019…”
He went on to accuse Mitsotakis of “an arrogance that does not correspond with reality”, noting that ruling New Democracy was under pressure from the multiple problems experienced by Greek society, and of thinking that “he can violate Parliamentary regulations and the Constitution.

source ANA-MPA

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