No More American Weapons for Turkey, No F-35 to Islamist Erdogan: Sign HALC’s letter to the four members of Congress that can block any such sale!

FILE PHOTO: Ένα από τα πολλά μαχητικά F-35 της αμερικανικής Πολεμικής Αεροπορίας. Φωτογραφία via F-35 Lightning II, @thef35

Today, Kathimerini revealed Turkey is attempting to get back into the F-35 program. This news follows a Bloomberg report that Turkey is now reportedly requesting to buy American engines it can use in its domestically-produced military jets.

We cannot allow the Presidential elections to distract us as Turkey attempts to get additional US weapons while it continues to violate US law and undermine American interests.

Sign Halc’s letter to the four members of Congress that can block any such sale!

Turkey’s track record shows us that it cannot be trusted with the most advanced American military technology. This poses a national security risk to the US and undermines other American alliances and partnerships.

Add your voice now and tell the Congressmen with the power to block such transfers to REJECT Turkey’s requests


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