PM Mitsotakis: NHS recovery is one of our greatest priorities


In his weekly review on social media post on Sunday, Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis highlighted the issue of staff shortages in the National Health System (NHS), measures to fight unemployment and high prices, and Greece’s acquisition of microsatellites.

One of the greatest government priorities, Mitsotakis said, was the recovery of NHS. Toward this, the government signed two important decisions: one that allows NHS doctors to keep a private practice once they complete their allotted working time in the public sector, and another to offer new incentives for doctors to staff hospitals or health centers on remote Greek islands and at remote mountain towns.

Of the first, he said the purpose was “to manage the losses to the private sector that we have in critical specialties” since  the policy of wage increases in NHS in medical staff “is showing results, but is not enough, as a private doctor can now secure much higher revenues.” Alternatively, private doctors may now also work for NHS if they so wish, the PM added. He also underlined that more staff has also been hired under his government: from 78,272 doctors and nurses in June 2019, they numbered 86,138 in June 2024, a 10% increase.

As for staffing remote areas with doctors, Mitsotakis cited the example of the popular island of Kos, where 4 openings for pathologists in local hospitals advertised a total of 11 times failed to raise interest, while the island has a lot of private doctors in residence. Incentives for medical posts in remote areas include a tripling of the monthly subsidy for remote areas, and another supplement for specific specialties. Transportation is covered, they will receive 2,100 euros in addition, and they could be provided with free housing under town expenses, he said.

Food prices

The PM said that the first encouraging data from Eurostat showed that the measures implemented so far to restrict fake sales and to ensure better competition were bringing in results. Inflation in food, alcohol, and tobacco products dropped 1.3% in June, against 2.4% in May. “In these categories in particular, Greece has the 2nd lowest inflation after Finland across the eurozone,” Mitsotakis said, adding that efforts will continue, including fines to suppliers for overpricing.

In addition, the premier said the government was cancelling a so-called stamp duty (telos chartosimou) introduced 188 years ago (in 1836) that affected over 600 transactions between private individuals (e.g. insurance transactions) and between citizens and the public sector (e.g. marriage license, professional permits). In cases where the fee is retained, it has been replaced by the “digital transaction duty”.

Climate change

Among other issues, the prime minister spoke of planning more hirings of teachers in the public sector, improvements in job opportunities, the protection of employee rights through the use of the digital work card, the expansion of the digital state, and the acquisition by Greece of 7 microsatellites that will help Greece improve its operations to fight climate change and fires on the ground. The Recovery Fund will support the latter project with 60 million euros, while a related contract has been signed between the European Space Agency and the company Open Cosmos.

On damage incurred during extreme weather phenomena, Mitsotakis said, “The unprecedented catastrophes by extreme climate phenomena in Greece have made it imperative that we institute a new framework of mandatory insurance, starting with large businesses, so that state assistance can go to those who truly need it. This new framework was voted a few days ago in parliament and foresees the option for citizens and businesses to insure themselves against natural catastrophe damage.”

Mitsotakis wrapped up his weekly review about the new video clip released by the music group Coldplay, that was recently filmed with a live audience of volunteers at the Odeon of Herodes Atticus. He urged people to see it, as it is “an excellent promotion for Greece – a wonderful song with a unique monument in the background” of the Acropolis.

Source: ANA – MPA

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