Fifth checkpoint at Greek-Bulgarian border sealed off by Bulgarian truckers

Bulgarian truck drivers closed the Zlatograd border crossing along the Greek-Bulgarian frontier indefinitely on Friday, leaving only one checkpoint open, as reprisals to the Greek farmers’ blockades which have halted traffic towards the country, Bulgaria’s BTA news agency reported.

With this decision, all traffic between Greece and Bulgaria is conducted through the checkpoint in Ivaylovgrad, as the ones in Kulata, Ilinden, Kapitan Petko Voyvoda and Makaza were sealed off earlier in the week.

Greek farmers, who are protesting against the government’s proposed social security and pension reforms, started closing checkpoints along the Greek-Bulgarian border intermittedly several weeks ago.

The International Union of Railways (UIC) said actions by the Bulgarian truck drivers will not back down until Greeks open their side of the border, the news agency said, noting that a long line of cars and trucks has already formed at Zlatograd. UIC also said Bulgarian truckers have so far suffered losses of more than 10 million leva (about 5 million euros) from the Greek strike.

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