UK Cypriots demonstrate for a Free, United Cyprus on the tragic 50th anniversary of Turkey’s illegal invasion and on-going occupation of Cyprus

Οι Κύπριοι του Ηνωμένου Βασιλείου καταδίκασαν με πικετοφορία έξω από την Τουρκική Πρεσβεία την τραγική 50ή μαύρη “επέτειο” της παράνομης εισβολής της Τουρκίας και της συνεχιζόμενης κατοχής της Κύπρου. Ο αγώνας για μια Ελεύθερη, Ενωμένη Κύπρο συνεχίζεται… Φωτογραφία από τους οργανωτές

On Saturday July 20th, over 500 people demonstrated outside the Turkish Embassy in London to demand a free, united Cyprus, without occupying troops or guarantors.

The demonstration was organised by the National Federation of Cypriots in the UK to commemorate the 50 years of Turkish occupation and call for a free, united, Cyprus. The demonstration brought together UK Cypriots who travelled from across the country to join in support.

The lively demonstration, saw people calling for “No more Turkish occupation”, “Turkish troops out of Cyprus” and “Free United Cyprus”. Amid the flags and the banners, pictures of Cypriots who went missing in the summer of 1974 could also be seen. The demonstration received significant coverage in national UK media including Sky News, Guardian, Independent and Evening Standard, as well as regional UK media.

On behalf of our community, Federation President Christos Karaolis; VicePresidents Andreas Papaevripides (POMAK President) and Michael Ellinas; and Treasurer Bambos Charalambous, delivered a letter to the Ambassador of Turkey during the demonstration. The Federation’s letter states, “I assure you that there is no future for the illegal permanent partition of Cyprus – that Cypriots will always
endeavour towards the freedom and reunification of their homeland.

The only logical recourse, therefore, is that Turkey returns to the UN-led process to deliver a reunited Cyprus based on the internationally accepted model of a bi-zonal, bicommunal federation with political equality as described in UN resolutions, with a
single sovereignty, single international personality and single citizenship, and fully in line with EU acquis.”

Speaking after the event, Mr Karaolis said that “Making our voice heard today, of all days, was of paramount importance to both our UK-Cypriot diaspora and our compatriots in Cyprus. The hundreds of diaspora Cypriots and friends that joined us today from across the country sent the message that we will never forget the Cyprus issue nor give up our free, united Cyprus without occupation troops or
anachronistic guarantors.

Οι Κύπριοι του Ηνωμένου Βασιλείου καταδίκασαν με πικετοφορία έξω από την Τουρκική Πρεσβεία την τραγική 50ή μαύρη “επέτειο” της παράνομης εισβολής της Τουρκίας και της συνεχιζόμενης κατοχής της Κύπρου. Ο αγώνας για μια Ελεύθερη, Ενωμένη Κύπρο συνεχίζεται… Φωτογραφία από τους οργανωτές

This half-century of occupation has had tragic consequences for all of us but our resolve and resilience in the face of them has kept our campaign alive and will continue to do so for as long as necessary. I would like to thank everyone who demonstrated with us today to send these messages on this tragic milestone in our history.”

A counter demonstration to “thank Turkey” was only attended by 35 people. Prior to the demonstration, the Federation’s President and Officers delivered a resolution to the newly elected Prime Minister, Rt Hon Sir Keir Starmer MP, congratulating him on his election victory and urging his new Government to do its utmost to achieve a free, united Cyprus.

In the letter, the Federation’s President noted that “With your distinguished background in human rights and your defence of international law against Russia’s illegal invasion of Ukraine, I am certain that you understand how untenable Turkey’s continued occupation of Cyprus remains.” He went on to urge the Government to take action, saying “The UK, under your Government, has the opportunity to be seen as a leading force in the restoration of the rules-based international order if you use your influence to urge Turkey to return to the negotiations, within the agreed UN basis, so that talks can resume from where they stopped in Crans Montana in 2017.”

After delivering the resolution to the Prime Minister, the Federation representatives were joined by the Assistant Executive Secretaries to lay a wreath at the Cenotaph as a mark of remembrance to all those who gave their lives defending Cyprus’ freedom in 1974.

Gerapetritis: Permission was never requested for the research in Kassos


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