Kasselakis: I intend to present the modern left-wing proposal at Thessaloniki International Fair

SYRIZA-Progressive Alliance leader Stefanos Kasselakis, gave an interview with the public radio on Friday. ANA – MPA/YANNIS KOLESSIDIS

Main opposition SYRIZA-Progressive Alliance leader Stefanos Kasselakis, in an interview with the public radio on Friday, referred to the Supreme Court (Areios Paghos) conclusion regarding the wire tapping case and spoke of “an unacceptable investigation”, stressing that it was not possible for “such an investigation to end at such a point without a underlying reason,” and that this was “an insult to people’s intelligence” and a “blow to democracy”.

Asked about his party’s media enterprises, he said that he “shares the workers’ suffering,” adding that the plan they presented to him was not sustainable.

On the state of the National Health System, he underlined that “the videos that  have been released” are the “reality”.  He said that Health Minister Adonis Georgiadis is “the minister who is destroying the health system,” noting that public health will be a priority for a possible future SYRIZA government and noting that the former SYRIZA government did “great work” for society.

On the hike in prices, including the high prices in ferry tickets, he referred to oligopolies, putting the blame on the government’s “deeply neoliberal agenda”.

“New Democracy’s political philosophy is failing,” he said, and admitted that besides Greece there is also a crisis in Europe, a “crisis” of the persuasiveness of the progressive agenda. “I intend to present this modern left-wing proposal at Thessaloniki International Fair (TIF), on how exactly a progressive government programme can be set up,” Kasselakis said.

Regarding the future developments for the Centre-Left, he said that “abstention emerged as the largest party in the European elections” and that any form that exists in the progressive space must convince that it will change “the course of history” and that what is missing from SYRIZA is the “credibility for governability”.

Source: ANA – MPA

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