Man fined and detained on suspicion of causing Glyka Nera fire

A 35-year-old man was arrested for causing a fire at Glyka Nera, NE Attica on Wednesday.

According to a Fire Brigade announcement, the Greek man was arrested by the arson investigation unit working with the Greek police, and was fined 4,675 euros. He is being detained and will appear before the misdemeanors prosecutor of Athens on Thursday.

Fire Brigade information said he was one of four people rounded up earlier by the police. Additional sources said they are employees of a private company and were flying a drone in the northern side of Mt Hymettus. Authorities are investigating whether the drone, which crashed, is responsible for the Glyka Nera fire earlier in the day.

The fire broke out at 14:20 and was controlled within 2 hours, the Fire Brigade said.

source ANA-MPA

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