Kasselakis at Central Committee meeting: Alliances with other parties must be made openly, not in secret

A party that offered a lot in the first cycle of its life “now has the obligation to respond to popular demand and function like a leading political power of all progressive space forces,” SYRIZA-Progressive Alliance leader Stefanos Kasselakis said at the start of his address to the party’s Central Committee meeting on Saturday.

“I understand a lot of the stances of several of you, several of our deputies, several regional officials of ours and plain members that yes, [Prime Minister Kyriakos] Mitsotakis dropped to 28% and it is now plain to see that the present government is on a downturn, but at the same time there is a desire bubbling up that resembles a political motto: ‘Get it together, so that he may leave as quickly as possible,” Kasselakis said, referring to the results of June’s European elections.

The main opposition leader said that the priority is to “modernize, renew, and strengthen our own party, making it more functional and welcoming for millions of progressive citizens. Above all, we need to work collectively to gain citizens’ trust.”

The SYRIZA leader spoke of collaborations with other parties, but he said those should be carried out “in an orderly manner, in transparency, before the eyes of progressives and with respect to the independence of existing formations. To come to any agreement with other parties behind closed doors just so we can gain a greater percentage total would be unethical, in my opinion,” adding that it would never work out and lead to ridicule.

Kasselakis insisted on the gradual and grassroots-level agreement, moving up the ladder, of all progressive forces. “Party unions by collation never won a ruling party, however corrupt it was. Nor did they face threats coming from the far right more effectively,” he said, adding that even in France the leftist coalition removed votes from French President Emmanuel Macron, not from Marine LePen, who won 33% in the recent first round of snap elections.

Two referendums

At the meeting, a group of 80 Central CommitteIe members tabled a proposal for two intraparty referendums.

The document for this was tabled by Christos Spirtzis. In it, the 80 disagree with Kasselakis’ assessment of the European elections results and also addressed hints suggesting the party has received irregular funds.

“The leadership has an obligation to immediately turn over to prosecutorial authorities any facts it may have, and if it has received proposals for illegal funding, to inform authorities as well about whom it received them from. If it has any intimation about the party’s financial management, to also call on CPAs to check SYRIZA-PA’s finances.”

As to the referendums, the first one the 80 Central Committee members proposed focused on the question of whether “SYRIZA-PA actively participates, by assuming specific initiatives, in leading the processes for the progressive space’s reconstruction – without the dissolution of participating parties – with the aim of creating a large conduit of the progressive world, that will claim victory from New Democracy in the next national elections.”

The second referendum, they said, is related to the changes in the party’s founding charter, and should be approved at grassroots level, or by the members of SYRIZA-PA directly, instead of by a body of members’ representatives at a congress for a new charter.

source ANA-MPA

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