SYRIZA leader Kasselakis visiting Chicago on Thursday

Stefanos Kasselakis photo ANA-MPA

SYRIZA-Progressive Alliance President Stefanos Kasselakis is scheduled to visit Chicago on Thursday, during his time in the United States.

The main opposition party leader has been invited to attend an event organised by the Hippocratic Cancer Research Foundation (HCRF), by the foundation’s chair and founder Eleni Bousis, and is to have a series of meetings with organisations and members of the Greek community in the city.

Kasselakis criticises measures announced by the government

Kasselakis was critical of an extraordinary tax on refinery profits announced by Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis on Thursday, calling on him to adopt SYRIZA-PA’s proposals for lower VAT on basic goods in a post on social media. He also pointed out that the government had originally ridiculed SYRIZA-PA proposals for the extraordinary taxation of excess profits, dismissing them as unrealistic.
“We, however, submitted this proposal to directly address high prices with the immediate abolition of VAT on basic goods and the reduction of the Special Consumption Tax to the minimum level proposed by the EU. Measures that would provide relief to the citizens’ daily lives…Kyriakos Mitsotakis instead chose to tax the profits of refineries to hand out yet another ‘pass’, this time as a benefit for pensioners,” Kasselakis said.
Calling on the government to tax the excess profits of energy companies and banks at the rate proposed by SYRIZA-PA, Kasselakis noted that “the lives of the citizens cannot be made better with one-off benefits based on Kyriakos Mitsotakis’ election statistics. The citizens of this country are proud. They want solutions now.”

source ANA-MPA

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