Mycoast app received 8,911 complaints of illegal activities on beaches, Papastergiou says

FILE PHOTO: 1,731 complaints were made during the three days of the Pentecost weekend alone,” Digital Governance Minister Dimitris Papastergiou said. ANA – MPA/BASILIS PSOMAS

“So far, 8,911 complaints have been made about illegal activities on beaches via the MyCoast application, while 1,731 complaints were made during the three days of the Pentecost weekend alone,” Digital Governance Minister Dimitris Papastergiou said on Wednesday, in a radio interview on Parapolitika Fm.

He explained that the platform allows “citizens going to a beach use their mobile phones to report cases where certain spots on the beach are illegally occupied by sunbeds and umbrellas.”

At the same time, he added, both the digital governance and the finance ministries were also using an AI system to “scan” the beaches with recent photos, “to see if the rental limits of these spaces are respected.”


Source: ANA – MPA


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