Mitsotakis on the possibility of a high abstention: The European elections on June 9 are particularly important

Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis, in an interview with Skai TV. ANA – MPA/ PM PRESS OFFICE/DIMITRIS PAPAMITSOS

Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis, in an interview with Skai TV on Friday, called on voters to realise that these elections are particularly important and to make the effort to vote, responding to a question on the possibility of a high abstention rate on election Sunday.

“I hope this does not happen and that the citizens realise that these elections are particularly important,” he said.

The prime minister said that he understood the fatigue people feel with the repeated elections. “I want to call on citizens to participate in the elections. Participation in this ballot box is worth it. Very important decisions will be made in Europe in the coming years. Despite the good weather and [elections fatigue], there should be participation. I would not like it to be said, on the night of the elections, that we are all losers because there was high abstention,” he added.

Mitsotakis referred to the postal vote. “So far the process has gone smoothly. I am happy when citizens say yes, this is Europe. This is the European Greece we want,” he underlined.

The prime minister repeated that the slogan of New Democracy is “steadily, closer to Europe.”

“We are voting on whether we will have a new Recovery Fund, whether we will have a new common fund for defence, what will happen to our farmers. All this has implications for what will be done in our country. But it is a national vote from which political conclusions will also be drawn,” he noted, saying the target for New Democracy is the percentage it got in the previous European elections.

Mitsotakis referred to the reforms that the government has carried out since last year, while also announcing that he will bring a comprehensive regulation for postal voting in the national elections as well, the first phase of which will concern voters living abroad.

Source: ANA – MPA

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