Androulakis proposes elections for PASOK’s leadership on October 6 and 13

Addressing a crucial meeting of opposition PASOK-KINAL’s Central Political Committee on Sunday, party leader Nikos Androulakis proposed that an election for the party’s leadership be held on October 6, with a follow-up round on October 13 if necessary.

“The candidates and all of our political positions will be presented at an open Central Committee three weeks before the first round of the elections,” he said, adding that the procedural details will be decided by the appropriate party organs, along the lines of the elections in 2021 and the party’s charter, with an open televised dialogue and free debate.
Androulakis announced that he will seek the renewal of his mandate by the party’s grassroots membership “for a PASOK that is united, politically autonomous and truly strong.”
He also stressed that he will not allow himself to be “a president held hostage” by anyone, either within our outside PASOK. “The autonomy of politics from interests is the compass of my political career. I have paid for this but it is non-negotiable. Therefore, the only correct solutions are clean solutions,” he added.
“I will ask the people of the party to renew their trust so I can work even harder for a total overthrow. So that all the healthy forces in our country that want an end to the current arrogant and clientelist government of New Democracy can align themselves with PASOK,” he said.
He emphatically denied rumours that PASOK might be joined with SYRIZA-Progressive Alliance, stressing that he would not allow the party that he inherited from Fofi Gennimata “to be converted into a faction”, nor to “become a negotiating tool for some to satisfy their overweening ambitions.”
“For me, there is only one path. To give priority to our policy platform and proceed with convergences at the base, with the people of the centre and centre-left, as we have already successfully done in the Greek periphery,” he said.
He also called for a “unifying” political conference to discuss PASOK’s new strategy and present its positions and proposals for the country, while conceding that he had made mistakes in presenting the party’s message, as well as the need for a new and leaner Political Council to make decisions and decide on strategy.
Commenting on the results of the European Parliament elections, Androulakis pointed out that PASOK had risen when both New Democracy and main opposition SYRIZA-PA had seen a decline, while PASOK was the second party outside the major urban centres and its colours had reappeared on the ‘map’ for the first time in 12 years.
Addressing his critics, he called on them to explain to PASOK voters why, at a time when SYRIZA was torn by internal strife and ND was facing a decline and introversion for the first time since 2016, “they are presenting PASOK to be paralysis, placing their personal strategies above the collective good.”

source ANA-MPA

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