Polls open for election of new SYRIZA-Progressive Alliance party leader

The polls opened at 8:00 in the morning and will close at 20:00 on Sunday night. ANA – MPA/EVANGELOS BOUGIOTIS

The process of electing a new leader for main opposition SYRIZA-Progressive Alliance began early on Sunday.

Ordinary members and anyone over 15 who wants to register as a party member are free to cast their vote at any of the 570 polling centres the country. The polls opened at 8:00 in the morning and will close at 20:00 on Sunday night.

Prospective voters are free to join the party at the polling stations on the day of the elections, if they have not already done so.

There is a two-euro fee for participating in the election process and voters must have a valid ID (police ID card, passport, driving licence, health passbook, residence permit, visa or blue certificate). Immigrants and those under 17 must have a legal document verifying their identity and their AMKA.

Those abroad can participate in the election electronically, between 8:00 and 20:00 on Sunday, but must be registered members and have registered with the isyriza platform by 14:00 on September 14.
If a second round is needed based on the results of this election, this will take place on Sunday, September 24.

Former minister Effie Achtsioglou cast her vote at the Peristeri polling station  at 10:00. In statements afterward, she noted that this was a great day, a day for the renewal of the modern Left and said: “Yesterday, Mr. Mitsotakis told us that his plan for the next years is for us to survive. We won’t take him up on it. Today we send the first message and tomorrow we demand the life that we deserve.”

Rival candidate Nikos Pappas voted in Kaisariani, with the message: “Today we vote, tomorrow we change.”

Of the other three candidates, Stefanos Kasselakis voted at the same centre as Achtsioglou at 12:30, Stefanos Tzoumakas  in Kallithea, at the Agios Nikolaos School Complex at noon, and Euclid Tsakalotos  in Nea Ionia.

Source: ANA – MPA

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