Tsipras: The model followed by the government has failed


“After five months of lockdown we are at the worst point since the start of the pandemic and there are hundreds of our compatriots that are in a very bad way and dozens that are on makeshift respiratory support and waiting on the EKAB lists,” main opposition SYRIZA-Progressive Alliance leader Alexis Tsipras said on Thursday in an interview with OPEN TV.

“The model the government has faithfully followed in the last five months has failed and I would expect the Prime Minister (Kyriakos Mitsotakis) to come forward and assume responsibility for this,” Tsipras said.

On the political moratorium that he asked for on Wednesday “in order to see what can be saved despite everything that has happened,” he noted that the main political responsibility belongs to the government and the prime minister, who can set the agenda for any consensus or confrontation.

He also added that in the last five months of the quarantine , the government has passed bills that “raise major reactions”.

On the rallies, Tsipras said that the people were taking to the streets because they feel suffocated and that theirs rights are being restricted. It was a reaction to the excessive police violence and arbitrariness, he said, adding that “this reaction is a healthy reaction”.

Source: ANA – MPA

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