Greece confirms 1,533 new coronavirus infections on Tuesday; 605 on ventilators

File photo: Τραυματιοφορείς του ΕΚΑΒ Αργολίδας μεταφέρουν ασθενή στο νοσοκομείο. Περίπου 100.000 υγειονομικοί και εργαζόμενοι στο ΕΚΑΒ θα λάβουν το έκτακτο επίδομα. ΑΠΕ-ΜΠE, ΜΠΟΥΓΙΩΤΗΣ ΕΥΑΓΓΕΛΟΣ

Greece confirmed 1,533 new coronavirus infections in the last 24 hours, with 27 of these identified at entry points to the country, the National Public Health Organization (EODY) said on Tuesday.

Greece has confirmed 223,789 infections from the start of the pandemic (daily change: +0.7 pct). In the confirmed cases of the last 7 days, 72 infections are considered related to travel from abroad and 1,916 to already confirmed cases.

A total of 605 patients are on ventilators in hospitals. Their median age is 68 years and 82.1 pct have an underlying condition and/or are aged 70 or more. Another 1,505 have been discharged from ICUs since the pandemic began.

In addition, 449 Covid-19 patients were admitted to hospital in the last 24 hours, a drop of 3.25 pct since the previous day.

The average admission of patients with Covid-19 to hospitals was 455 patients over the last 7 days.

There are also 59 new confirmed deaths, bringing the total of pandemic victims to 7,196. Of these, 95.8 pct had an underlying condition and/or were 70 years old.

The median age of new infections is 44 years, while the median age of the deceased is 79.

Source: ANA – MPA

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