Social dividend to be paid to roughly 1.5 mln households on Friday: 40 mln set aside for school dinners

‘Social dividend’ payments amounting to 675 million euros will be paid into the accounts of 1,463,000 eligible Greek households on Friday, the head of the Electronic Governance of Social Insurance (IDIKA) SA Anastasios Tagaris told the Athens-Macedonian News Agency (ANA), noting that the total sum available for disbursement is 710 million euros.

He noted that the electronic platform is still open for those that have yet to apply, with the deadline expiring on December 21. Applicants must state that they want the dividend and consent to the processing of their data in order to be eligible, while applications involve a six-step process that includes obtaining consent of all adults living in the household.

Meanwhile, in a decision by Labour Minister Effie Achtsioglou posted on the government website ‘’ the government has earmarked the sum of 40 million euros from the labour, social insurance and social solidarity ministry’s budget in order to cover the cost of providing cooked school meals in primary schools.

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Source: ANA-MPA

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