Immediate release of Greek servicemen the demand of all Greeks Prime Minister says

Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras in a statement to Documento newspaper referred to the two Greek servicemen that are currently held in a prison in Edirne, Turkey.

“Dimitris (Kouklatzis) and Angelos (Mitretodis), we Greeks demand the end of your calvary” said Tsipras in a message to the two servicemen that were arrested on March 1, adding that their immediate release is the demand of all the Greek people.

On his  part, President of Republic Prokopios Pavlopoulos on Saturday spoke on the phone with the father of the Greek serviceman Angelos Mitretodis, who is held along with Dimitris Kouklatzis, at Edirne prisons and asked him to convey his wishes for Easter.
According to the presidency’s sources, Pavlopoulos reassured the serviceman’s father that their courage and their character prove Greece’s huge excellence at cultural, historic and democratic level.

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