As soon as she gets out of jail she will get a Nazi-style tattoo on her arm

By Sener Levent

Do you know what Asli Erdogan will do one day as soon as she gets out of the dark jail cell that she currently finds herself? A Nazi-style tattoo.

Look. Look hard. Look at what the state [Turkey] that you wish as guarantor of your security is doing. What oppression! What torture! To one of her own people, one of the foremost intellectuals, the best of people. To one writer! In fact to a writer that is justly famous on the international scene, and her works have been translated into many languages. It is not possible that you have not heard of her. She is Asli Erdogan: one of the staunchest defenders of human rights, of democracy, and of freedom. At the moment of this writing she is in jail. On the charge of terrorism. What kind of a vindictive government is this, how inhuman of a state is this? Are they [the government of Turkey] not the fellows that you congratulated as “heroes of democracy”? Are they not the ones to whom you sent condolences when innocent people were murdered by the murderers whom they themselves nurtured?

No matter in what part of the world we may be. Even in this little island [Cyprus] that has drowned in her own problems, we should not keep silent in the face of oppression, even if this column is to appear in a country newspaper, is this not so? The voices of all good people of this world should join together to form a pyramid that will reach the clouds, just like Cheop’s pyramid. But alas! I see that not a single one of us utters a word. No word from our human rights organizations, and hardly at all a word form our women’s organizations that are full of hot air. I never count upon our journalists associations, which out of habit alone never say a word against Turkey. But make no mistake about this, gentlemen! One of these days you will be in need of this. If no one says anything then about the injustice that may have befallen you, please do not complain then.

Have a look at how Asli Erdogan summed up her one week in jail: “I receive no water, which is my most basic of needs. My pancreas is not functioning, and likewise my digestive system. Despite all this I have not received my medicines for the past five days. I have high blood sugar and I am about to become wholly diabetic. They have urinated on my bed. They have not taken me out of the jail cell at all, so that I could at least get a breath of fresh air. They treat me so that my body [and thus myself] will become permanently disabled. Had I not strenuously resisted this treatment, I could have not born all these conditions”.

Behold gentlemen, here is your Turkey, against which you do not utter a word, and which you applaud as “the guardian of democracy”. You can take it and hit your head with it.

They urinated on her jail cell bed. This is how my old stone bed was in the jail cell at the Serayo jail [in Nicosia]. It was full not only of urine but also of vomit. It was a place for eight people. And books as well as newspapers were forbidden, but also smoking. As a matter of fact, [my family] was forbidden to bring to me any bed linen from home. It was a jail cell precisely for the purpose of turning you crazy. It was not easy to stay for 24 hours in a place like this, with no breath of fresh air. Had I not let my mind loose, it would have been impossible for me to stay for eleven days in that cell.

Do you know what Asli Erdogan will do one day as soon as she gets out of that dark jail cell? She will have a tattoo on her hand. A Nazi-style tattoo. She puts it as follows:

“First, I will do the same type of tattoo that was forced on the inmates in the concentration camps in Nazi Germany. On my left arm. Same as the tattoo that was forcibly done on the women inmates at Auschwitz. A mere number. Mine will read 16.8.16, the date the members of the Special Operations Group  raided my house”.

A journalist asked her “which songs and which authors and poets come to your mind when you are in jail?”. Asli said the following: “I do not allow myself to think of songs and of other nice things happening outside. However, when I was in jail, a young lady, a Kurdish lady as a matter of fact, 22 years of age, was singing for all of us, after my own request. And we were weeping. If I listen to any song right now, I believe that I will weep again”.

None of us may be considered as a free person, while Asli Erdogan and people like her are in jail. We must spit [Turkey] in the face, instead of making her our guarantor.

  • Sener Levent is the editor of the Turkish Cypriot newspaper Africa, issued in occupied Cyprus. As can be seen from the current writing he has been persecuted by the Turkish Army of occupation, the de-facto governing body in the occupied part of Cyprus, spending a number of days in jail under harrowing conditions.
    Ο Σενέρ Λεβέντ γεννήθηκε το 1948 στην Λευκωσία, όπου και ολοκλήρωσε την δημοτική και μέση εκπαίδευσή του. Το 1969 μετέβη στην Σοβιετική Ένωση για να σπουδάσει δημοσιογραφία στο Κρατικό Πανεπιστήμιο Λομονόσοφ στην Μόσχα. Αποφοίτησε το 1975 αποκτώντας τον τίτλο «μάστερ». Από το 1979 μέχρι το 1990 διατέλεσε διευθυντής σύνταξης σε διάφορες εφημερίδες στην Κύπρο. Εργάστηκε στις εφημερίδες “Söz”, “Kıbrıs Postası” και “Ortam”. Το 1990 μετέβη ξανά στην Μόσχα ως διαπιστευμένος ανταποκριτής. Το 1997 επαναπατρίστηκε και εξέδωσε την εφημερίδα “Avrupa”. Από το 2001 εκδίδει την εφημερίδα “Afrika”.




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