Tsipras: Greece leaves six years of darkness behind and sees the light of growth

“Today is an important day. And it is an important day because after six years of constant cuts, bad news and hard austerity, we finally have good news,” Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras said on Tuesday at a cabinet meeting on the outcome of Monday’s Eurogroup meeting.

He noted that the news is good not only for the country’s progress but mainly for the Greek society which has the right to look again to the future with optimism.

“Greece is not any longer alone and isolated,” Tsipras underlined, “but has the strong support of a number of political forces and governments that have finally understood that Greece has the right to turn the page. To escape from the vicious circle of recession and debt and get on the course to recovery.”

The Greek prime minister stressed that this was the result of the negotiating efforts, the diplomatic initiatives and political interventions at all levels, at EU summits, the European Parliament, the political and technical negotiations.

Greece has for the first time a roadmap with specific steps for debt reduction which will become more specific at technical level at the Eurogroup meeting on May 24 and will lead to the debt relief, he stated. “This will create the necessary fiscal conditions for the recovery of the economy and the increase of social protection.”

“Today we are realistically happy and optimistic,” he said clearing out that the next period will be demanding. “A plan is needed as well as determination for rupture and changes, boldness and effectiveness to finally get the economy on track,” Tsipras said.

He stressed that Greece turns the page and leaves six years of darkness behind. “Greece eventually sees the light of growth,” he said adding that it is time for hard work.

“It is the time to plan properly the productive and social reconstruction,” he noted and called on for “all of us to intensify our efforts to get out of the guardianship regime. And at the same time to turn our attention to everyday life, free from the daily and intensive negotiations.”

ANA-MPA, Athens

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