Eurozone officials optimistic over negotiations with institutions

BRUSSELS (ANA-MPA/Chr.Vassilaki) – A positive climate prevails among senior officials of the eurozone over the negotiations taking place in Athens with the view to reaching an agreement between institutions and Greek authorities.

Eurogroup president Jeroen Dijsselbloem welcomed the “good progress” achieved in the negotiations regarding the measures included in the first package of prior actions and those related to the financial sector, reforms that, as he said, “are crucial to the success of the recapitalization” of the Greek banks. In addition, he recognized that agreement has been achieved “on many issues” and announced that the Euroworking Group will convene on Tuesday following the decision of the Eurogroup.

Eurozone senior officials said to ANA-MPA that Finance ministers will have a teleconference on Tuesday. During the meeting, ministers will evaluate the progress made in the implementation of the prior actions and give the green light for the disbursement of the 2 billion euro sub-tranche and the transfer of the 10 billion euros for the recapitalization of the banks to the Greek Financial Stability Fund.

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